Port Canaveral
Parking Options
There are several parking options for parking at Port Canaveral to embark on your cruise. Each option has positives and negatives that you must weigh before you make your decision. Regardless of your choice of parking you are able to drop your luggage with the porters and walk to the terminal with only your carry-ons.
Parking at the Port
Parking at the Port is by far the most expensive option but is is also the safest. The parking is fenced and gated and they have 24/7 port security (Port Police). It allows you to go from your car to the terminal. It also allows you direct access to your car when you get off the ship without waiting for a shuttle. When you disembark though you will have to either carry all of your luggage and belongings to your car (which may be in a parking garage) or come and pick them up from the curb where the porter (if you hired one) dropped them off. You can either park in a parking garage or a parking lot but may not have a choice due to availability.
Cruise Terminal 10 Parking Garage
Disney Parking Garage
Cruise Terminal 5 Parking Lot
Cruise Terminal 5 Parking Garage
One key note is that there is free parking at the port for the disabled. You must have a vehicle with special equipment (ramp, lift, foot or hand controls) or have a Florida toll exemption permit to qualify.
Port parking charges are as follows:
3 Day Cruise ...................................$60
4 Day Cruise ...................................$75
5 Day Cruise ...................................$90
7 Day Cruise ...................................$120
8 Day Cruise ...................................$135
9 Day Cruise....................................$150
Port parking can either be paid in advance or at the terminal upon arrival. They accept cash, Visa, Mastercard and Traveler's Checks (USD). Prepayment can be made at www.portcanaveral.com.
Parking at your Hotel / Resort
Most hotels or resorts in the area offer the option of leaving your car there while you are on your cruise. They provide shuttle service both to and from the port for those in your party, luggage and carry-ons. They shuttle you to the port directly to the luggage drop-off. Shuttles have coordinated pick up spots that you wait at after disembarkation. Sometimes it can take more than one shuttle turn to get back to your car (depending on timing and number of people). Some hotels charge a daily fee and some do not. You would have to check with your specific hotel or resort to verify the specifics. Parking at a hotel is most-likely the least secure option, typically with no fencing or security patrols.
Parking off-site
Parking off-site is provided by independent operators which also provide to and from shuttle service. These lots are typically fenced, lit and offer some level of security. The provide shuttle service both to and from the port for those in your party, luggage and carry-ons. They shuttle you to the port directly to the luggage drop-off. Shuttles have coordinated pick up spots that you wait at after disembarkation. Sometimes it can take more than one shuttle turn to get back to your car (depending on timing and number of people).
There are two main options :
Park and Cruise
Park and cruise is just over the causeway on Merritt Island only a few minutes from the Cruise terminal. The lot is in a relatively quiet area and is fenced and has 24/7 video surveillance. When you arrive you are directed to drive through the building and off load your belongings and passengers to be loaded into a shuttle. This is a very nice option if the event of inclement weather. You park your car and keep your keys while on your cruise. Many positive reviews about quick service and friendly staff. Current rates are $10.95 / day for reservations made prior to arrival. Cash and most major credit cards are accepted.
Directions: While traveling east on SR528, take Exit 52 (Banana River Drive) and turn left at the end of the off ramp. Once through the underpass turn left at the pink corner store and Park-n-Cruise is on the right just past the store.
Park Port Canaveral
Park Port Canaveral is a short drive down the road from the cruise terminal (5 minutes away). It is in a paved parking lot behind the building which was previously a government contractor working for the Space Shuttle Program. It is fenced, lit and has 24/7 security. It is in a relatively busy area near the port. You park your car, keep your keys and board a shuttle bus to the port. Current rates are $10.95 / day for reservations made prior to arrival. Cash and most major credit cards are accepted.
Directions: Take SR528 East and go past both cruise terminal A and B. SR528 turns into SR A1A and Park Port Canaveral is on the left across from the Radisson at the Port Hotel.